Mina asked me the other day, “Do you ever think about being single again?” And without a moment’s hesitation, I said yes. I said sometimes I think about what it would be like without kids, just you and me. Being able to sleep without the fear of a booger being wiped on my cheek. Being able to watch what I want to watch on TV instead of some dumb talking animals in submarines. Being able to go on vacation to a place that doesn’t end in “Land.” These would all be nice.
And sometimes I even think about what it would be like if we weren’t married at all and I was back in my old apartment eating Korean BBQ by myself every day until I die of clogged arteries at the ripe old age of 37. I’d definitely have a motorcycle. I’d definitely have an Xbox. I’d definitely have major health issues. And I weep with such regret and bitterness. Oh what could have been! I’m like the anti-George Bailey.
In all seriousness though, I do look back and wonder sometimes. But it’s usually just a passing thought. Not because being married and kids is all that great… I mean it is and it isn’t (if you’re married and have kids you’ll understand). But because this is the life I have. I’m grateful and blessed to call this life with Mina and the three terrorists my very own because it’s mine. Because God has given this life to me. Because God has entrusted me with this life to live it to the fullest of my God-given abilities in order to glorify Him.
There’s something in the Ten Commandments about not coveting. And when we look at the lives of others or even look back on our own lives with regret, that’s coveting. We’re saying, “I wish I had that. I wish I were that.” And when we say that, we are saying, “God, you made a mistake. You were supposed to give me something else. This can’t be right.” We are telling God that what He has given us is not enough.
But our God is not one who makes mistakes. In fact, it’s only when we stop coveting and take our eyes off of those around us that we can truly appreciate what’s right in front of us. Instead of being concerned with what the person next to you ordered, eat and enjoy the bountiful plate that God has put before you.
Now, this is not to say that we should not strive for more or try to change our lives. God gives us ambition and desires and passions too. But these are different from the coveting thoughts that begin with “I wish” and end in sinful idolatry. As Christians, we should be concerned with growing. It’s ok to desire change in your life for the betterment of the kingdom of God and His people! But don’t get caught up in the worldly game of comparison. Cain and Abel started that game and we know how that ended.
Philippians 4:11-13 says “11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Paul has demonstrated his ability to be content in whatever the circumstances because of “him who gives me strength.” God, the One who gives us our lives, is also the One who gives us this strength to be content. His gifts to us are good. Let us live with this knowledge in our hearts and glorify Him with all we have.

CategoryPastor's Blog
ADDRESS: 18901 Waring Station Rd, Germantown, MD 20874 | SERVICE TIME: Sundays, 12:00 pm